Join the
Illinois Green Party today!
The Illinois Green Party is a grassroots, membership-based organization. Dues-paying members of the ILGP form the highest decision-making body in the party, and are entitled to a vote on all major party decisions. The DuPage County Green Party is a local chapter of the ILGP.

The Illinois Green Party is a grassroots, membership-based organization. Dues-paying members of the ILGP form the highest decision-making body in the party, and are entitled to a vote on all major party decisions.
Use this page to set up a monthly dues payment. Dues may also be paid annually at the Annual Member signup page.
The base dues level for membership is $60/year. We also accept $12/year low-income memberships (recommended for annual incomes under $20,000; no proof of income asked or required), as well as sponsoring membership payments of greater than $60/year.
We ask than those using monthly memberships to please make payments at least $10/month, as lower payments see a higher percentage taken by processing fees.
Benefits of Membership
- Nominate and vote for candidates in ILGP officer elections
- Vote on the recognition and endorsement of ILGP candidates
Submit and vote on changes to the ILGP Platform and Bylaws - Join in the founding of new local Chapters of the ILGP
- Join and vote in local Chapters of the ILGP (unless otherwise provided by local Bylaws)
- Join, lead, or found Committees of the ILGP, and vote on Committee decisions (unless otherwise provided by Committee rules)
If you are unable to access the webpage or make online payments, a paper registration and a check for annual dues payment ($60/year or $12/year for low-income members) may be sent to:
Illinois Green Party
747 E. Boughton Rd #227
Bolingbrook, IL 60440